
Saturday, April 15, 2017

Mail and Rest Stop

We are thinking of spending a few weeks in the Perth area, just to get a change of pace. We have also been doing some online shopping and have shipped a few items there to await us. So, if you feel like shipping us anything from letters to care packages, you can also send them there (just hit the Contact Us button and we can send you the address). We are taking advantage of the marvelous Poste Restante system. We will probably be there around mid May, but make sure to contact us to let us know you are shipping something so that we make sure we get all the packages. Just note that it usually takes 2-4 weeks for things to get from the US to AUS.

1 comment:

  1. My family is in Harvey which is about an hour and 38 mins south of Perth. I would love to hook you up with them. They have a great church and a daughter named Emma! She is a few days shy of being exactly a year younger than our Emma. They were both preemies with feeding complications.
