
Monday, January 1, 2018

Australia Summary

We did it! We circumnavigated and crisscrossed Australia. Here are some statistics and answers to common questions about our trip.


  • Time
    • Day entered 1: 16-Jan-2017
    • Day left 1: 1-Aug-2017
    • Day entered 2: 25-Aug-2017
    • Day left 2: 4-Dec-2017
    • Total # of days: 298
      • Nights slept in van: 265
      • Nights slept in tent: 9
      • Nights slept in hotel/etc.: 24
      • Nights paying for lodging: 61
    • States:
      • Most time spent: Victoria, followed by Western Australia
      • Least time spent: New South Wales
      • Most paid camping (ignoring hotels): Queensland
      • Least paid camping (ignoring hotels): South Australia and New South Wales
  • Distance
    • Driven: ~49,385 km (~30,865 miles)
      • State with most distance driven: Western Australia
      • State with least distance driven: Tasmania
    • Hiked: 544.1 km (340.1 miles)
      • State most hiked: Tasmania (by a long shot, nearly twice as much as 2nd place)
      • State least hiked: Western Australia (knee injury didn’t help)
    • Fuel fill-ups: 81
  • Money
    • Total spent: $21,769.98 USD ($27,910.2 AUD) 
      • Consists of the costs of traveling full time in Australia, including insurance, etc. 
      • Does not include gear or van conversion costs
      • Does not include shipping costs or flights
      • States:
        • Most total cost: Victoria (probably because of costs associated with shipping, ie hotels, and registering)
        • Least total cost: New South Wales
    • Average cost per day: $73.05 USD ($93.66 AUD)
      • State with most average cost per day: Queensland
      • State with least average cost per day: Northern Territory
    • Average cost of diesel: $1.317 AUD per liter ($3.693 USD per gallon)
      • State with most average diesel cost: Western Australia
      • State with least average diesel cost: Victoria
  • Favorite Experiences (in order of appearance)
    • Tasmania in general
    • Victoria:
      • Alpine NP (the mountains are different diversion and nice and cool in the summer heat)
      • Great Ocean Road in Victoria (very beautiful)
      • Glenelg River Kayaking
    • South Australia
      • Mt Remarkable NP (one of our first experiences of red earth, nicely contrasted against green plants)
    • Western Australia
      • Ningaloo reef (snorkeling and whale sharks)
      • Karajini NP (beautiful gorges)
      • Windjana Gorge NP (views of freshwater crocodiles)
      • Tunnel Creek NP (a fun, free cave walk with glowing eyes)
      • Purnulu (Bungle Bungle) NP (fun geological shapes)
    • Northern Territory
      • Hayes Creek – Butterfly Gap (loved the butterflies)
      • Trephina Gorge Nature Park (beautiful little park that escapes most of the crowds)
      • Finke Gorge NP (it was quite the adventure to go down the “severe” 4WD road)
      • Spotting feral camels
    • South Australia
      • Head of Bight Whale Watching
    • Victoria
      • Grampians NP
    • Queensland
      • Boodjamulla (Lawn Hill) NP (kayaking down the river was wonderful after so much desert)
      • Millstream Falls NP (Little Millstream Falls were such a charming place)
      • Atherton Tablelands (wonderful weather, beautiful rainforest and sights, interesting creatures)
      • Daintree NP (tropical rainforest experience)
      • Spotting wildlife (cassowaries, tree kangaroos, platypus)
      • Kayaking in Byfield NP
      • Lamington NP (old forest with variety of climates and interesting wildlife, e.g. blue crays)
    • New South Wales
      • Mount Kaputar NP (Sawn Rocks)
      • Mt Kosciuszko (climbing the highest point on the flattest continent)
    • Victoria
      • Raymond Island (koala spotting)
      • Phillip Island (penguin spotting and great views)
    • And of course, meeting great people along the way! Thanks for those who opened their doors to us and helped us along!
  • Why Australia?
    • It is said that islands are the crucibles of evolution. At Australia, it really is like stepping into another world and you can see how being isolated from the rest of the continents for so long has affected its development.
    • There are lots of interesting wildlife.
    • You can readily see how humans impact the environment.
    • It is a English-speaking that has its very own and entertaining twist.
    • It is a vast country (about the size of the US) with large portions still largely unpopulated. Makes for some interesting adventures.
    • Lots of free camping and others who enjoy being outdoors.
    • Wildflowers everywhere and all seasons. They may not always be prolific or large, but you are bound to be able to find a wildflower in bloom wherever you go.
    • Friendly people.
  • Food
    • Nothing too interesting here. The scene has benefited greatly by the influence of the SE Asia.
    • Modern Australian seems to be a fresh and seasonal ingredients cooked in a flavorful (and not fried) way.
    • Uniquely Australian:
      • Beetroot on on burgers.
      • Pumpkin as a savory ingredient, including in sandwiches and pizzas.
      • They are awfully proud of their water quality and taste.