
Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Yellowstone Part 3

The village of Mammoth Springs was an interesting place.  They water the lawns here, so during the late summer, the elk congregate to enjoy the green grass.  It was mating season as well.  So all the bulls were gathering their harems, and trying to snatch from other males.

I wonder if the USPS has a policy for dealing with guard elk?

Next to the town is the namesake Mammoth Springs.  An every growing and changing place, terraces grow and die as the flow from the springs changes.  

Several nearby hills (hundreds of feet tall) were sites of extinct springs like Mammoth.  Over thousands of years, dissolved limestone is pulled from the depths by the water, and deposited on the surface. 

With the clock starting to run short, we headed out via the Lamar Valley.  Taking the scenic route, we followed the Beartooth highway over Beartooth Pass.

At over 9,000 ft, winter was only a few days away. 

Just a bit frosty. 

Climbing up out of the clouds into clear air, we crested the pass at nearly 11,000 ft. 

  From here it was back down into the clouds and rain, and westward once more. 

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