
Thursday, May 6, 2021

Capitol Reef NP

By Jen.

Dates: 11/23/2020 to 11/28/2020

Even before we got to Capitol Reef National Park, we were accosted with wildly beautiful vistas.


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We were heading to Capitol Reef to see the sights we missed during the government shutdown back in 2013 as well as meet up with a couple of yachters turned overlanders. These people didn’t feel like they had done anything if they hadn’t walked at least 8 miles in a day, so we did a lot more long hikes than we were used to, ranging from 8-12 miles per day. But, we did it successfully.


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First, we did Golden Throne.

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Then, Capitol Gorge. Even 100 years ago, settlers like to deface rock and leave their names.

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On the park’s scenic drive.


The things I love about Utah are the colors and the details.

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The next day was devoted to Chimney Rock Canyon.

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The colors.

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The details.

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The next day, we took a driving tour down Cathedral Valley Road.

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Glass Mountain.

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Temples of the Sun and Moon.


After driving all day in desert, we exited via Dixie National Forest, which was a stark contrast to Cathedral Valley.

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That night, since we hadn’t done anything to celebrate Thanksgiving, I made a pumpkin pie, even though I didn’t have a pie tin. This meant, I had some extra (eggless) “custard” leftover and I thought it would make some excellent French Toast. I was right.

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We hiked part of another slot canyon, Burro Wash.

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Then walked to Cassidy Arch.

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For the last day, we checked out Goosenecks Point.

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It was cold that morning, and most of the river had frozen over.

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And, we walked to Hickman Bridge.

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